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Jan 23, 9:00AM Online
"Building a Resilient Global Supply Chain: Aerospace"
Justin Dye, VP of Supply Chain Analytics, ForeOptics
Link to register:
Dec 10 Happy Hour- Phoenix, AŻ, in person
"Federal Reserve Bank & Aerospace Supply Chain Impact "
Shannon Smith, Regional Engagement Officer
5:00 PM VIP meeting
5: 30PM networking (you can come early or later, it's networking :))
6:00 PM presentation
6:30 - 7:30 PM networking
Link to register:
Dec 12, 2024, 4:30PM Christmas Aerospace Happy Hour -Mukilteo, WA in person
"Developing New Airplanes"
by Kourosh Hadi, Boeing former director
4:30PM networking (you can come early or later, it's networking :))
5:00 presentation
5:30-6:30 networking
Link to register:
Dr Joanna Moore, MBA, ConvAirT Group
The meeting is FREE for Americas Aerospace Cluster members, and Aerospace & Defense Forum members, 50% discount to Global Chamber members, and $35 for nonmembers (one Happy Hour drink is included), students and high school attend FREE;
to become a member please choose that option at the check out, the membership is valid for all Americas Cluster Events for the 2024 calendar year and 50% discount for the annual March 15 Future of Aerospace Conference & Reception.
ConvAirt Group is a multilingual, multinational USA / Swiss / EU based group of professionals (partners) with former Boeing, GE, Honeywell, government and diplomatic backgrounds offering a wide range of Aircraft / Airline Consulting, Training, Brokerage & Inspection Services.
Become the most affordable aerospace consulting firm specializing in start-ups and small airlines consulting and brokerage, pilots & crew training, and passenger to cargo conversion service coordinator for all aircraft types while providing excellent inspection and legal to our global clients.
Our team will help you find the most suitable aircraft fleet for your requirements, desired routes, and the goods you ship.
Our portfolio includes commercial aircraft, military, and private jets.
Due to the pandemic, the market for PPE cargo as well as international and domestic air goods cargo is growing rapidly because of ocean shipping prices rising to the skies, making air shipping a better choice.
The logistics companies are becoming cargo airlines and we help many cargo startups to get funding and suitable aircraft. The BBJ market will also grow due to increased securities at the airports.
Many of our clients, including governments, large logistics corporations and SMEs are therefore seeking an alternative and rapid solution compared to regular ocean shipping.
We are unique in our offering which includes the following Aircraft /Airline TRAINING:
We are unique in our offering which includes the following Aircraft /Airline Consulting & Brokerage Services:
• Understanding and consulting on aircraft requirements and routes
• Airline training for executives, pilots, maintenance personnel and crew
• Passenger to cargo aircraft conversion: including all Airbus, Boeing, and other aircraft
• Commercial aircraft including business jet selection and brokerage
• Non-military helicopters (including the arrangement of maintenance services)
• Arrangement of commercial aircraft maintenance, including heavy C & D checks
• Parts of aircraft, including engines for both commercial and military aircraft, we offer aircraft for parts
• We partner with aircraft manufacturers and MROs
• We partner with the best legal experts: buy-sell contracts/ airports/ AOC
• Organizing and carrying out aircraft inspections
(a.) A partial passenger to cargo aircraft conversion (removal of interior, window covers, without the need for the more expensive and time-consuming cargo door installation, (3 to 4 month delivery time). This is a very fast and affordable solution for the short term (1-2 years) with an option to request a full conversion later while utilizing the already capable aircraft until then.
(b.) Should you already have capable aircraft but need to add extra capability to your fleet, our second offering might be the one fulfilling your needs
After partial conversion we offer four different options:
1. Line up the aircraft for a full cargo conversion, including a large cargo door installation. This way while in service (creating revenue), the airliner will be virtually in line for a full conversion, including a cargo door installation
2. Option to reverse the aircraft back into the original passenger configuration later
3. Continue to utilize as a partial converted aircraft
4. Sell the aircraft, once no longer needed (in a partially converted or passenger carrier format)
• Reputation: knows as a “deal closer” or “secret weapon”; great impact in final sales decisions
•Top-Tier Swiss PhD (EPFL, Switzerland) and Executive MBA (ASU, USA)
• Fluency in English, French, German, Russian & Polish
She got hired at the Boeing company and led applied technology cross department teams to resolve the hardest aircraft development challenges, a specially multifunctional recognized with cash rewards. She worked in all types of aircraft specialized in Propulsion audit & safety, Systems tools and Structures innovation. She worked in the aircraft delivery center with Airline executives to ensure that all the aircraft were delivered to customer satisfaction, in past paced environment directly connected to cash flow. After ASU executive MBA she was invited to become the Boeing Business Development & Finance Director, she lead many successful global teams to help with offsets and more important to create a road map of Boeing Global Suppler chain including key partners, manufacturers, suppliers and new key technology to apply to the newly developed aircraft.
Known for her execution skills and outstanding international teamwork she was right hand of the Sales & Marketing VP, Program Development and Supplier Chain VP connecting in the three key departments into Boeing commercial and military ONE supplier chain global strategy.
+1 425-783-9777 (USA)
+41 76 404 071 (Switzerland)
David is a private pilot experienced with Boeing and competitor’s airplanes. He retired as Boeing Managing Director of Product Development, being responsible for the launch of the 787, the 747-8, the Russian SSJ-100, several 777 products including the 777F, and small variants of the 737, and as Program manager for 767F development. He started out being an airplane performance expert and was involved in negotiations with the Chinese military for flights in Tibet.
He now hosts an AIAA Seattle Retirees brunch and aviation technical speaker's forum at the Museum of Flight, is involved in several Boards, has been a guest speaker at Universities including MIT, and speaks about aviation at High School engineering classes.
AndersonPacific Consulting consults with companies on subjects such as Large Scale Systems Integration, Gated Decision Making, and Risk Management. These are settings where cross-functional communication, strategic planning, option evaluations are critical. They also participate in independent technical reviews for the development of materials, land, businesses, and vehicle integration.
GE Aviation representative for Advanced Programs/Product Development at Boeing Commercial Airplanes - Seattle, WA. Directed GE and CFM International (CFMI) advanced commercial engine programs within the Boeing Commercial Airplane Product Development organization. Responsible for product definition, preliminary design, market analysis, product strategy and well as the customer relationship.
Major programs included the Sonic Cruiser, Y1/737PLS (recently designated the 737-MAX), 747-8, 7E7/787, 787 derivatives (-10) and the Y3/777-Advanced.
Also directed GE Advanced Concept Product studies for Boeing Future Programs.
Former VP Air France Airlines, Environment. Forty years of International Air Transport expertise:
Operational use and overhaul of on-board electronics systems involving chair of ARINC committees, then Commercial aircraft Environmental issues including representation in IATA activities or participation in the French Delegation for ICAO conferences. Responsibility for Maintenance or Operation divisions then for the Airline Operations Control Center.
Launching of the Environmental affairs office at the same time as coordinating Flight safety and setting up IT Quality assurance, followed by Vice-President Environmental Affairs and Sustainable Development: IATA Environment Committee chair until 2008 and the AEA Environment and Infrastructure Committee until 2009.
Member of the "Compagnies des Experts" by the International Chamber of Commerce in France, then, Member to committees of the Air and Space Academy and of the "Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France”
Acting as International Development and Environmental Affairs Advisor
Former Chief Engineer at IHI Aerospace, Japan in charge of the advanced technology development, the system concept definition, the preliminary/critical design and the business development for various Japanese space and aviation programs.
Directed many aerospace development programs included Rocket Propulsion, Gas-Turbine Propulsion, Electric Power System and High-Altitude Airship System etc., collaborated with JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency).
And directed Aviation Fuel Cell flight demonstration program collaborated with Boeing ecoDemonstrator Organization.
During past 10 years, Coordinated the future Japanese aerospace development plans and programs including Future Supersonic Transportation System and Electric Airplane System international collaboration study, as Deputy Director of Japanese Government; MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology - JAPAN) and as Senior Advisor of JAXA.
Aerospace International Business and Engineering Consulting
Mike adds valuable expertise to ConvAirt Group with 30+ years of experience in and around global aerospace manufacturing at the Boeing Company. Mike held various positions around large scale production of aerospace products both on the commercial and military platforms, including technology development and production engineering roles. Mike was the PD leader that defined the 787 final assembly layout, consulted with the CTO on optimizing technology investments, and recently retired from Boeing as a Senior Director of global training. Mike understands systems behavior both in manufacturing processes and organizations, cutting through bureaucratic red tape to deliver bottom line results. VanderWel Consulting Company, LLC (V2C) is focusing on taking production system analysis, lean manufacturing, and technology investment alignment to help mid size companies to identify step change improvements in efficiencies and throughput. Balancing product, processes and people for maximum efficiency is critical to be competitive in the global economy.
+001 206.769.4579
Assisting European startups throughout their global expansion process, with a special focus on U.S. market entry. Building bridges for European Startups and SMEs globally.
Worked at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary creating and exploring various business related opportunities (investment / export / import / partnership / education / research / knowledge exchange) and directly connecting various US business entities (from SMEs to large multinational corporations) educational institutions, R&D centers and US State Governments to various Hungarian SMEs, large multinational corporations and the Hungarian Government.
He promoted businesses willing to invest in Hungary - within the European Union - or interested in partnerships, importing, exporting, or on-the-ground market intelligence.
His focus included: Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, South Dakota, North Dakota, Hawaii, Idaho, California, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Washington & Wyoming.
European Innovation Center - Silicon Valley
USA: +1 / 415-240-7318
EU: +36 / 20-582-5123
David has over 25+ years of experience in program, business unit and supply chain management experience guiding commercial aerospace and defense programs through all program phase life cycles from concept to sunset. Former Honeywell Aerospace Systems and Sandia Labs Director.
His focus areas include make-buy analysis, program start up, system integration with partner solutions and delivery. He has a BA in Economics from Northwestern University, a MBA from the University of Minnesota, and a PMP from the Project Management Institute. He served as a naval officer for over 31 years combined active and reserves and is a retired Navy Captain.
USA: +1 480 421-8659
We empower our customers, feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
Our team realized that COVID changed Aircraft Brokerage, changed the market significantly. The Airlines are selling the older aircraft to recover cost and the COVID PPE new market increased a need dor CARGO aircraft. Airlines keep their cargo aircraft so we decided to specialize in converting the older 737, 777, 747, A320, A340 and work with global MR&Os to convert older passenger aircraft to Cargo Aircraft. Our team found a way to convert aircraft to cargo affordably. Its a hugsuccess due to global market change.
We also specialize on a secondary aircraft market, business jets, many governments and industry decided to purchase business jets to get their executives without tests to their meetings. Boeing and Bombardier aircraft are the most popular.
Key Amazon fornitue seller of salon furniture run into long wait for his items to sell from China due to COVID delays as well had huge quolity challenges.
The company president contacted us and we suggested three Polish furniture manufacturers with similar and even more trendy salon fornute models, we negotiated similar pricing and high quality. with this supplier chain change our customer has almost no return and he increased sales.
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